The Freedom of Release
Are you ready to be free?
Seriously! Do you want to be FREE?
An important part of this goddess sadhana is making the choice to embrace change. But we can't embrace anything new while we are overburdened by holding on to the old.
The Magick of Practical Transition, in part, is making the empowering choice to release.
We must release what was, on some level, in order to open and receive what is, and what wants to be. We must release what we are not, so we can step fully into who we truly are! I can't fully transition into the fullness of my essence, if I'm holding on to things that are inauthentic. And, neither can you...
Luckily for us, the cosmic energies are aligning to help us let go!!
The Universe is shining its divine light on the hidden.
If we take a moment to look, we'll be able to see! And, we'll be able to recognize what isn't true, what isn't true within us...
This doesn't have to be a long procedure. Nor is it an excavation exercise. You do not have to dive deep, dig around in the muck, dredge through old memories, unearth old traumas, or re-member every past hurt, lie or betrayal. All that's required is a willingness to be aware; to observe what is being revealed. And, the instant the light of our inner truth shines into the darkness...everything is revealed!
Are you ready to let go?
All you need to do, is be a witness to yourself. Acknowledging that there are things you've been unwilling or unable to see. There is no need to fear, judge, label, fix, or fight anything. No need to feel guilt or shame, blame or self-defense, sorrow, regret, fear, or pain. All you need to do is allow the light to shine.... and be willing to look at what's there.
If you do, you'll see that there are things that you've been holding on to... things you've been thinking were important. But, in the big scheme of things, from the perspective of your authentic soul's essence, the light reveals that in truth, they are not important! They have no bearing on you at all! Let them go. You'll find secrets that you've kept hidden, thinking they were part of you... parts that needed protection, or needed to stay hidden because they were too ugly, too cruel, too bad, too painful to be seen, felt, or known. Secret parts that were too horrid to claim as your truth, as part of you. The truth is, my darling, these secret parts are not you! Set them free.
The truth of who you are can never be hidden. You are made of light. There is no secret light. Do not allow past experiences, choices, thoughts, actions, or fears to cause you to hide your light. Set yourself free. The past has no true power over you. Stand in your power and make choices that align with your truth. This will empower your light, and make you feel lighter. Although we all have a shadow self, it is only an illusion. Do not fear it. Observe. It can only be seen when we shine our light on it. Therefore, there is nothing to fear. It wants to be seen. Release your shadows to the light and you will be set free.
If you look... you'll see piles of rubbish in the corners of your psyche —heaps of junk, spam messages, meaningless garbage thoughts, ancestral and cultural baggage, non-consequential things... Things with no merit or purpose; like outdated snippets of conversation, random slurs, criticisms or false labels, and other limiting things that zap your confidence, steal your joy, hold you hostage or enslave you. None of this is YOU! Out it goes!
In all the hidden places within where you tucked away keepsakes when you were younger... you'll discover the ignorant, untrue, unkind, uncaring, unhelpful, mean or needless words and actions of others. Things, that in your innocence or pain, you gathered and stored not understanding you didn't have to. Things you took to heart, that were never true, never real, never of any value at all... never meant for you! Things you kept, because you thought or felt somehow, they must belong to you... Things that were just too overwhelming to make sense of, deal with, or sort out at the time... Things you were too emotionally or mentally immature to be given in the first place. Things you made secret allowances for (unknowingly sacrificing your true self) because you loved... Words and actions that hurt, labeled you, limited you, kept you small, kept you fearful, helpless or quiet... Words that tainted your spirit, disempowered you, made you feel less than or not enough... All those things that made you think you were something that you weren't. Or, made you forget who you really are....
All those things that kept you from being authentic... from expressing, self-validating, and celebrating the truth, the wonder and magick of who you are! And, all the things meant to shame you, guilt you, control you, blame you, diminish, or destroy you (or your sense of control, power, confidence, knowing, free will, choice, sovereignty, and self love)... All the rules, the should do, the must be like, the rigid constraints, and all the programming that attempted to define you, keep you 'in a box', mold and shape you, and even pre-determined who they wanted you to be... blindly unknowing (or fearing) who you actually are! All those things you brushed aside because they were so wrong, ugly, heartbreaking, scary and dark...
They linger still...
But, my darling, they do not stay to hurt you, or cause you further harm. They have remained only because you hold them! They think you want, or need them.
They long to be set free.They long to set you free.
in this moment, NOW,
you can make a choice to set it free.
To just release it, and let it go.
By holding on to 'it', you give it power, meaning and purpose. By holding it, we give it permission to be part of our persona. We don't need to spend years in therapy trying to understand or forgive. Nor do we need to devote hours revisiting these old energies and memories... We can simply let it go and walk ahead, leaving it behind. We have the power to free ourselves.
All that's needed and helpful now, is to make a choice:
Hold it?
Carry it?
Let it go?
Ask yourself:
Is this me? No? Release it.
Does this belong to me? No? Release it.
Do I need this? No? Release it.
Does this empower who I AM? No? Release it!
Cosmic Energies are building...
Mercury Retrograde in Libra 9 September 2022
A time of revealing:
Here's the short version:
The act of release is effortless, yet the letting go may be challenging.
Be gentle with yourself, and keep choosing to let go.
Here's the long version:
Does this belong to me? No? Release it.
Do I need this? No? Release it.
Does this empower who I AM? No? Release it!
You know all those feelings and memories that were just too overwhelming at the time, so you pushed them aside and tucked them away somewhere deep inside, just so you didn't have to feel it, think about it, or hurt? All those hidden aspects that reside within you and subconsciously weigh you down? The Universe is granting you the opportunity to just once and for all, let them go. You have permission to do that... Just release it all and walk ahead on your sacred path of beauty. You have permission to be your authentic expression of self. That's all you truly are, anyway. All that other stuff? It's not even real... it's just a façade.
I see you! I see the authentic you. And, sister, you are glorious! You are so radiantly beautiful and uniquely magickal that all I want to do is bask in the wonder of you! Shine you light. Set yourself free.
The cosmic energies are powerful, supportive and aligned on a divine mission to help you remember who you are! They are positioned right now to help you release all the things that hurt you; all the lies, fears, traumas, betrayals... The things you just couldn't accept or understand... The things that never even belonged to you in the first place... All you have to do is let everything that is not you, go! The beauty of the art of letting go, is that it requires no effort. Truly! Absolutely no effort!!!
If you're feeling resistance, it's not in the letting go, it's in the holding on. Holding requires effort. If you are reluctant to let go, cease the act of holding for even a moment, and immediately you feel a sense of struggle. But, choose to let go, and you will no longer feel resistance. The act of letting go itself is pure ease; release is effortlessness...
The second you let go, you're free.
Mercury Retrograde in Libra 9 September 2022
A time of revealing:
Uncovering the hidden, secret, unconscious messages of our mind. The things we've hidden from ourselves, or have chosen to forget, are coming into the light so we can see them, address them, and set them (and ourselves) free! Pay attention to what Mercury is trying to share with you. Allow yourself to be free, and sit in the power of emptiness for a moment... In this void, clear space within your mind, you'll find your truest, most authentic self. Sit with her, get to know her again! Your inner goddess has waited a very, very long time for you to see her in all her glory.
Stop trying to be less of who you are. Let this time in your life cut you open and drain all of the things that are holding you back.
― Jennifer Elisabeth
Born Ready: Unleash Your Inner Dream Girl
Here's the short version:
The act of release is effortless, yet the letting go may be challenging.
Be gentle with yourself, and keep choosing to let go.
Here's the long version:
Everything I just shared about release and the present cosmic energies (which are encouraging and assisting us to do so) are liberating!!!
When I let go....
— I feel FREE!
— I feel FREE!
It feel like the weight of all that I have been holding just falls away, and by default I feel exuberant, light, sexy, in-tune with life, and just really good— Because I am experiencing the freedom from what I have been holding on to, to such an extent I don't have a thought of the falling away — I'm not even aware that I'm not holding on any longer. I am just in the moment experiencing freedom from its presence and weight And, it feels good! I feel so liberated and so wholly focused on my lightness of being, I sense that I've passed over some threshold, and that's it. I released and I'm no longer holding on. Simple. Right?! I am free. I truly assume that I will remain this way.... and why not? I feel a happiness thinking thusly....
And, yet, in the next moment, hour, weeks that follow, I witness all the things I'm still holding— things I thought fell away! And, suddenly, unexpectedly, I'm aware of the heaviness, again. I am witnessing the struggle within myself— wanting to release, but not releasing.
And, it occurs to me:
Though it IS effortless to release, the act of holding on isn't! So it makes the thought of release, an effort, too.
The act of holding on prohibits us from releasing.
Because we're attached!
We're addicted to how things are... ie: comfort zone (even when it sucks). We're addicted to what we know of the past... to who we think we're suppose to be... to all the limiting thoughts that keep us stuck. Even if we know differently in the core of our being.... even when we believe in and want change, want to be true, want to release the inauthentic aspects that we're attached to- we're addicted to them. It's all we've ever known!
This is where the cosmic energies come in today to empower and support us... to propel us forward...
This how the power of the entire UNIVERSE works, to benefit us when we align with its current of energy and let ourselves go with the divine flow.
Yet, we hold on because we're afraid to let go.
We hold on because we are energetically attached!! Which energetically binds us to whatever we may be wanting to release. Holding on attaches us on levels we may not even be consciously aware of! This is what we have to let go of! It's not even the 'thing' we're wanting to be free of. It's the attachment, itself!
It's ingrained in our very essence! As reflections of the Divine Feminine, it's in our nature to hold. We hold, that's what we do! We are the sacred chalice. We are the holy womb. We are the loving arms and hearts and minds that embrace. We are the roots, the bones, the blood that remembers. We hold everything, past, present and future, together. This energy holds us together, and women, by our very nature, hold everything, throughout generations.... In this way, it is right and good and needful to hold.
Yet... when we're holding on to things that do not serve us, that do not allow for change and growth, that do not enhance our life force, that do not empower us to be true to our authentic essence, that keep us from our souls expression, then, it is detrimental for us to hold on the way that we do. This is what causes us anxiety, cognitive dissonance, dis-ease and other uncomfortable, unwanted results. This type of holding is inauthentic and unhealthy!
As we are holding on, unable to release the things (habits, choices, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, desires, relationships, obligations, etc.) that are inauthentic to who we are (to who we know ourselves to be - who we are becoming) we engage in a silent war with our self which sends us in a downward spiral of tug-of-war:
wanting to let gobut finding ourselves still holding on....
wanting to releasebut struggling...
wanting to be freebut feeling held back.
While we're holding on, it can feel impossible to let go. Even when we want to! Even when we have made the decision and conscious choice to do so! We want to let go, but we're not quite willing, or allowing ourselves to open up enough to drop it, to just let it go. And try as we might, we are just not able to release whatever we are holding on to... what we're attached to— whether by choice or habit, consciously or unconsciously, emotionally, mentally, or physically— The truth of this situation or experience comes down to one thing: ATTACHMENT > aka: Addiction. This is the part that is NOT effortless to release! It's not effortless to let go of our attachments — our addictions! This is important to note: Addiction isn't limited to one particular thing... You may not be addicted to drugs or some other substance, yet you may be addicted to certain types of thoughts or attitudes; emotional responses or feelings; the need to control; the need to belong; the need to fill a void (sex, food, etc.); or the need for attention, approval, validation, power, or something else that isn't for your highest good. We can be addicted to anything that is not meant for us, that is not for our well-being, or to something that is not even what we really want.
While experiencing the feelings of attachment or addiction, it feels impossible to release. When we're holding on so tightly, even against our will, it feels impossible to let it go. So, this is what we must release. This mindless need to hold on despite the cost or consequences.
We are being called to release the attachment.
In a huge way, I suppose, this is the true essence of the principle of non-attachment, or the unity with all things: To be free of the attachment... whether good or bad, pleasurable or unpleasable, desired or not is the fine and noble art of release.
Today, the energies are full force present! They are here assisting us in our choice to release, calling us to enter the divine flow. And, how powerful is this?!!! Especially since the intended purpose of practicing this goddess sadhana session is to free ourselves of everything (habits, attitudes, beliefs, mindsets, etc.) that is ready to be released. To clear the space we need for the rest and regeneration we want... To create the sacred space we need to live in the fullness of our authenticity.
So, the letting go... the release— it's a process, indeed. but it's also an immediate experience in the NOW moment, when we're in the flow. If you're still experiencing the 'process' of release, and unexpectedly and undesirably witnessing yourself holding on again to what you thought you let go of...
Just remember:
In the moment, in the very instant you realize that you're holding on to something that doesn't feel good, that isn't what you're choosing, that isn't even yours— in that moment, release your hold on it.
In fact, release it all - everything.
Enjoy it in the moment. Experience it fully and with everything that you are, but don't hold on. Don't demand that it stay.... let it go. Hold it and then release it as is flows in and out of your mind and consciousness. Hold it, then release it as it flows in and out of your life, your body, your presence. Hold it, and release it as if flows from, and in and out of your heart. Don't think you have to hold it to keep it, to remember it, to own it, for it to matter. You don't. You don't have to hold it to witness its presence.
If you love something, let it go. If it returns, it's yours; if it doesn't, it wasn't.―
What heavy burdens have you been carrying or hiding away deep within? Do you feel them even more intensely as they are illuminated by the ever brightening light of the Harvest moon? Are you ready to release them and feel free of them once and for all?
If in the moment you are struggling, consider these methods to help you let go:
- Stop thinking about 'it' (change your thoughts).
- Speak your truth aloud.
- Make another choice.
- Remember who you truly are, and what you really want..
- Embody your authentic essence in a new way.
- Take action that aligns with freedom, with love.
- Call on the Divine Universe for assistance.
These energies are about walking in your authenticity, taking a step back to appreciate everything, stepping into the flow, and embracing life’s cycles
― Tracie Ann
My darlings, as you practice the noble art of release, be sure to collaborate with your inner goddess, your Goddess guide. She can help awaken the qualities within your own precious self that will support, encourage and empower you. Remember: In the tarot, after the Tower falls (letting go- Something always rushes in to replace whatever we release! Be mindful of the conscious and unconscious choices you bring in), the Star shines brighter, lighting our way guiding us to receive and hold deeper love, peace and joy.
I believe in you!
I see your true essence - it shines like a star....
I bow before your authentic self - a divine spark of the Universe, a reflection of the sacred feminine, a holy blessing!
Leesa | The Gypsy Priestess
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