New Moon = New Beginning


The New Moon in Virgo represents a fresh start/blank state. It invites us to nourish ourselves and to simplify all areas of our life.

Flow with these cosmic energies to:
  • Gain clarity.
  • Set intentions.
  • Determine which goals, commitments, or thoughts nourish, and deplete your energy.
  • Rest until your energy levels are restored.
  • Resist the urge to add too many things to your 'to-do' list; instead cross off what isn't necessary and minimize distractions on every level.
  • Go inward, take time to think of ways to increase your efficiency (consider removing anything that doesn't move you toward your greater vision or soul mission).
  • Review goals, life, habitual actions, etc. Add what supports you, and eliminate what doesn't.
  • Replace existing patterns, habits and rituals with new ones. Choose ones that empower and inspire, ones that help you grow and make you feel good.
  • Choose to focus on thoughts and habits which increase feelings of confident self-assurance, self-acceptance, and self love (happiness) while paying less attention to anything that causes self-doubt, fear or uncertainty.

Remember, it's the small steps, details and habits that help us to reach our goals.
Be gentle with yourself.
Release judgmental thoughts of failure or inadequacy.
Befriend yourself.
Honor your inner goddess.
Be more compassionate with yourself than you've ever been before.
Accept yourself.
Embrace a more fearless version of yourself.

Ask yourself:
  • Is my work meaningful or purposeful?
  • Are my daily habits, relationships and thoughts sacred to me?
  • Am I doing what I was born to do?
  • What makes me feel most nourished?
  • What makes me feel depleted?
  • What does my personal version of productivity look like, feel like?
  • Am I overly self-critical, or judgmental of others?
  • What reminders can I give myself that will help me to compassionately check in with myself throughout the day?
  • Am I overlooking or ignoring anything that is truly important in my life?

Take the next few days to consciously listen to your inner goddess. Ask for her guidance in creating a plan devoted to yourself and whatever is calling your spirit in a sacred way.

The cosmic energies are geared to help us create a new reality.


Implement the guidance given, and see what changes occur during the final two weeks of our Practical Magick Transition Goddess Sadhana (expect some clarity, change, or movement on the Full Moon - 10th Sept).

Embrace the transition with all your heart, mind, body and soul.

If you have struggled adhering to your daily sadhana practice of meditating, moving your body, mingling with nature, and manifesting something - don't give up. Just refocus and begin anew; five minutes for each aspect of daily practice will offer you great benefits if practiced consistently with sacred intention.

You've got this!



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